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Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War Huge Success 

The Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War was held in Japan over 4-6 May, 2008. This historic conference was originally conceived after the GPPAC Conference held at the UN Headquarters in 2005, which officially recognized the value of Article 9 as a security mechanism. The GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Agenda then declared that "Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution has been the foundation for collective security for the entire Asia Pacific region."

With Peace Boat (GPPAC Northeast Asia) acting as conference secretariat, GPPAC was deeply involved in the organization of the event and strongly represented at the conference itself, with regional initiators including Florence Mpaayei, Gus Miclat, Emmanuel Bombande and Syed Rifaat Hussein joining various panels as speakers, and Marte Hellema representing the Global Secretariat; and members of the Northeast Asia Regional Steering Group also actively participating. Furthermore, GPPAC was introduced to an audience of 12,000 at the plenary session on 4 May, with an introduction of delegates, reports of actions by GPPAC members visiting Japanese embassies around the world to voice support for Article 9, and a video message from Secretary General Paul van Tongeren.

Gathering well over 30,000 participants throughout Japan, the event gave a new impetus to the Japanese efforts to protect the country's pacifist constitution, as well as at examine the linkages between the principles enshrined in Article 9 and many global issues, such as conflict prevention, disarmament, peacebuilding and the environment. The second GPPAC Asia Pacific Forum was also held as a special event during the Conference, bringing together GPPAC members to discuss the role of civil society in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. The Northeast Asia RSG meeting was also held immediately following the main conference.

The conference enjoyed significant media coverage both within Japan and internationally, and plans for developing the campaign further are now being prepared. Please see the Global Article 9 Conference website for more information:

Outcomes issued included the final declaration and statements addressed to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty PrepCom meeting taking place simultaneously in Geneva and one to be taken in July to the G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan, under Japanese presidency of the G8. Click here to read the full statement to the G8

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