January 2015
On January 20, the President of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica submitted a formal letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee nominating the peoples of Japan and Costa Rica to be jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Award 2015. Read the full nomination letter here.
October 2014
On October 10, the Global Article 9 Campaign held a public viewing of the Nobel Peace Prize Award announcement at its secretariat in Peace Boat's headquarters in Tokyo. More than 100 people gathered to watch the live announcement from Oslo.
Read more about the event here.
Read full statement here.
September 2014
On September 4, 5500 people from all around Japan came together in Tokyo to protest the gutting of Article 9 and demonstrate against the use of war to solve international disputes. Read more here.
July 2014
A number of international groups and networks have come out to oppose Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s decision to reinterpret war-renouncing Article 9. View statements here.
April 2014
On April 14, the Global Article 9 Campaign once again participated in the 4th edition of the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) with a series of events held in Tokyo, Japan and onboard Peace Boat, which serves as the Global Article 9 Campaign Secretariat. Read more here.
February 2014
On February 4, Al Jazeera held a program on Article 9. Yoshioka Tatsuya of the Global Article 9 Campaign appeared on The Stream, speaking on the current administration’s efforts to amend war-renouncing Article 9 of the constitution, Japan's rising militarism, and its implications on peace in Asia. Watch the show here.
October 2013
Amidst high Japan-Korea tensions, more than 1000 Japanese and Korean citizens set sail on the Peace & Green Boat Asia Regional Voyage 2013. The voyage will focus on Article 9 as a regional peace and security mechanism for East Asia, historical recognition issues and reconciliation, violence against women during conflict and the Japanese Military (Comfort Women), and the shift from nuclear to renewable, sustainable energy, and more.
Read the press release for more information about the itinerary and program here.
October 2013
The Article 9 World Conference 2013 in Osaka (October 13-14) was a great success! Around 500 people attended the conference at Kansai University on October 13, and more than 5000 gathered at the Osaka Municipal Gymnasium for workshops, performances, booths and the plenary session on October 14.
For detail information (schedule, program, guest profile, etc.) in English, visit the conference's website here.
May 2013
On May 28-31, the Global Article 9 Campaign participated in the Nobel Women's Initiative's Fourth Biennial Conference, entitled Moving Beyond Militarism and War: Women-Driven Solutions for a Nonviolent World held in Belfast, Ireland >> more
May 2013
On May 3, as Japan celebrated the 66th anniversary of the adoption of its post-WWII pacifist Constitution that entered into force on May 3, 1947, gatherings were held all over Japan. In Tokyo, 3,500 people protested against the Abe Shinzo-led Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)'s attempts towards a revision of the constitution >> more
April 2013
On April 15, on the occasion of the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, 15 Japanese and 24 Korean civil society groups issued a joint statement expressing concerns on the expansion of military spending and military buildup in East Asia and calling for the peaceful resolution of the current tensions in the region.
The document refers to Article 9 of Japan's constitution as a mechanism for regional peace. >> more
March 2013
On March 27, the Global Article 9 Campaign held a session entitled "Save Japan’s Peace Constitution! – Article 9, its global scope and its relevance for the Arab Spring and the Middle East" at the World Social Forum that took place in Tunis. >> more
July 2011
On July 19, 2011, Peace Boat, acting as the Secretariat of the Global Article 9 Campaign, submitted a letter to the Constitutional Council of Iceland inviting the body to "seek inspiration in other countries' constitutions and to explicitly include a peace clause in the new Constitution of the Republic of Iceland." >> read the letter
May 2011
On May 27, the NGO El Taller hosted a roundtable discussion in Tunis on the themes of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, as well as on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Tunisian participants showed interest in the Japanese precedent and expressed hopes that Tunisia would incorporate a clause similar to Article 9 in its new constitution as a means to ensure a peaceful future for the country. >> more
May 2011
The Global Article 9 Campaign endorsed a joint CSO reply to the questionnaire distributed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the context of the international consultations undertaken by the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on "possible elements for a Draft Declaration on the Right to Peace". The joint reply notably suggests elaborating on the role national constitutions play as a "mechanism to enhance the human right to peace". >> read the joint reply
April 2011
On April 12 was held the first ever Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). Events were organized by some 1000 organizations in 35 countries around the world. >> visit the GDAMS website
February 2011
A delegation of the Global Article 9 Campaign participated in the World Social Forum held in Dakar, Senegal. Fifteen representatives of JALISA shared the global value of Article 9 of the Japan's Constitution and promoted its relevance at the international level.
December 2010
On December 9-10, 2010, around 200 human rights experts, lawyers and NGO and UN representatives participated in the International Congress on the Human Right to Peace during which they adopted a draft Universal Declaration on the Human Right to Peace. >> more
September 2010
Representatives of the Global Article 9 Campaign met with Fidel Castro of Cuba and President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua. In Havana, they participated in a 2.5 hour meeting with Fidel Castro, during which mention of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution was made. In Corinto, Peace Boat Director and Global Article 9 Campaign initiator Yoshioka Tatsuya issued a joint declaration with President Ortega that highlighted the peoples of Japan and Nicaragua's "true commitment" to peace and nuclear disarmament "as enshrined in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and Article 5 of the Nicaraguan Constitution." >> more
August 2010
Ahead on the UN Summit on the MDGs to be held in New York in September 2010, the Global Article 9 Campaign, along with other civil society representatives, issued a statement calling on governments to review their official spending, change their priorities and tap into their military budget to finance development. >> read the statement
April - May 2010
As the 2010 NPT Review Conference takes place on May 3-28 at the United Nations in New York, thousands of NGO representatives and engaged citizens from around the world come together to participate in a series of actions and events calling for nuclear weapons abolition - among them the Global Article 9 Campaign. >> more
February 2010
A coalition of 32 Japanese civil society groups issued a joint statement on February 14, 2010 to call for the continued freeze and eventual abolition of the new referendum law, and are now calling for more signatories to join the statement. The statement and list of signatories will be submitted to Diet members. >> read statement
December 2009
Following the precedents in the UK and in the Netherlands, and seizing the momentum created by the change of administration, civil society in Japan is calling for inquiry into Japan’s role in the Iraq War. On December 25, 2009 NGOs submitted a letter to Prime Minister Hatoyama, Foreign Minister Okada and Defence Minister Kitazawa requesting the government to set up an independent body to look into Japan's decision-making process and role in the Iraq war in light of its pacific constitution.
>> more
November 2009
The Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War co-organized, along with Peace Boat and the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases (NO Bases), an International Peace Constitutions Conference for Nuclear and Foreign Military Base Abolition that took place in Ecuador. The event focused on the concrete functions and outcomes of peace constitutions, especially in the areas of nuclear weapons abolition and foreign military base abolition. The final declaration of the conference urged governments to adopt pacifist clauses in their countries' constitution, encouraged the adoption of a UN resolution that recognizes the role that peace constitutions can have in the promotion of global security and disarmament for development, and called on world governments to take concrete steps towards the abolition of nuclear weapons and the strengthening of international mechanisms for arms control, non-proliferation and the disarmament of ALL weapons. >> read more about the conference
July 2009
The Global Article 9 Campaign co-organized an international event held onboard Peace Boat at the port of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. In addition to exploring the value of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and Article 12 of the Costa Rican Constitution's regional and global significance, the conference looked at the links between these peace clauses and Article 26 of the United Nations Charter, which calls for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments with the least diversion of the world's human and economic resources for armaments in order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security. The Puntarenas Declaration called for the adoption of a UN resolution acknowledging the role peace constitutions play in promoting global disarmament and urges government to shift priorities in the allocation of resources and decrease military expenditures to invest in financing sustainable development, human security and peace. >> read more about the conference
July 2009
As the Japanese imperial couple was about to visit Canada, eight organizations in Canada issued an open letter asking Emperor and Empress for their support in keeping "Article 9 intact in the spirit of peace" and appealing for continued efforts in "helping bring healing and justice to the victims of atrocities committed by Japan before and during the Asia-Pacific War". Co-signed by Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino and other Canadian associations, the letter pointed to the fact the Japanese Parliament had "yet to pass a resolution that fully admits and apologizes for Japan's responsibility for the loss and suffering of the victims of the Asia-Pacific War". >> read the letter
June 2009
A Japanese delegation represented the Global Article 9 Campaign at the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)’s XVIIth International Congress held in Hanoi, Vietnam. In its Hanoi Declaration, the Congress reaffirmed its commitment to peace and explicitly "renewed its support for the Global Article 9 Campaign led by Japanese lawyers" and "urge[d] all lawyers and jurists to work for the implementation in every country of the Japanese Constitution's "No War" clause." >> read the Hanoi Declaration
June 2009
In this statement to the UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, Peace Boat (which acts as the Global Article 9 Campaign Secretariat) calls on developed countries not to use the current crisis as an excuse in meeting their commitments towards achieving the UN Millennium Goals and urge governments, in addition to mobilizing new innovative sources of financing development, to reconsider their spending priorities, reduce their military expenses and reallocate part of their military budget into sustainable development and peace promotion. >> read the statement
May 2009
A representative of the Global Article 9 Campaign participated in a panel discussion co-sponsored by Sejong Society of Washington DC and the Institute for Policy Studies was held at Johns Hopkins University, in Washington D.C. on "The Future of the Six-Party Talks - A view from civil society", emphasizing the need to pursue confidence-building measures and promote conflict prevention in Northeast Asia, and promote a less military-dependent security mechanism in the region.
April 2009
Two important separated but linked meetings - the International Conference against the Asia Pacific Missile Defense and for the End of the Arms Race, and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict's (GPPAC) Northeast Asia Regional Steering Group meeting - were held in Seoul, Korea about the "Civil Society Six-Party Talks" as a framework for conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the region. In the context of the North Korean missile launch, the use of Article 9 of Japan's Constitution was praised as the foundation for Northeast Asian security, including its three fundamental principles of renunciation of war, no maintenance of military or other war potential, and the right for people to live in peace.
February 2009
At an international conference held in Bangalore around the theme “Warfare or Welfare: Disarmament or Peace, Human Security and Development in 21st Century India”, a representative of the Global Article 9 Campaign presented the campaign in the framework of a session named "Learning from Experience Worldwide: Campaign on Disarmament and Development - Human Security in Action", as an example of how civil society can use specific local experiences to contribute successfully to the global debate. >> more
2008September 2008-January 2009
Peace Boat has invited 100 Hibakusha (Atomic Bomb Survivors) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to join its three-month Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World to share their testimonies of the experience of the atomic bomb with people around the world.
>> more
The Global Article 9 Campaign support Peace Boat's Hibakusha Project, as Hibakusha not only act as peace and disarmament educators, raising awareness on the dangers of nuclear weapons and the human costs of war, but also forcefully add their voices to the call to abolish all nuclear weapons and create an alternative vision for peace and global stability that does not rely on force.
December 2008
The Global Article 9 Campaign participated in a call for action presented at the UN Conference on Financing for Development in Doha. The appeal called for the reallocation of resources from defense to development and social budgets, in a time of financial crisis. >> read the appeal November 2008
The Global Article 9 Campaign sent a letter to all members of the UN Security Council, ahead of the Council's debate on "strengthening collective security and armament regulation."
The letter reiterated that Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution supplements Article 26 of the UN Charter and called on governments to regulate armament, reduce worldwide military spending and reallocate the world's limited resources to sustainable development and peace promotion. >> read the letter
September 2008
For the International Day of Peace, the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) held celebrations around the world, as a rallying point to raise awareness about the value and necessity of conflict prevention and peacebuilding work.
In Northeast Asia, the common theme was Article 9, and events in Taipei, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar and Vladivostok ranged from children's celebrations, academic conferences and dance performances.
>> more
September 2008
Release of the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War official book and DVD (in Japanese). The 240-page book, published by Otsuki Shoten, features all speeches presented at the Plenary Session, and images and records of discussions held throughout the three days. The 120 minute DVD features a 40 minute summary of the Plenary Session, and a chapter on each of the symposiums and special forums held on the following days.
>> buy
May-September 2008
A group of creative youth on board Peace Boat's 62nd Global Voyage used dance to share the message of Article 9 throughout their journey around the world.
>> more
July 2008
As the G8 Summit was taking place in Japan's Lake Toya, a workshop was held as part of the People's (Alternative) Summit in Sapporo, focusing on A World Without War - the Role of the G8 and Japan's Peace Constitution.
>> more
Speakers from Peace Boat, the Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, the Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace and a special guest from Action Aid Bangladesh shared the outcomes of the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War, and participated in a lively discussion on the significance of the campaign for both Japanese domestic politics and the broader international peace movement. Debate ranged from topics as varied as the role of the media, links between war and poverty, and how pacifism is seen from conflict regions.
May 2008
Secretary General of the Global Article 9 Conference and leader of the Peace and Human Rights Unit for the 2008 G8 Summit Kawasaki Akira participated in the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). During the NGO session, he seized the opportunity to speak about the Global Article 9 Conference and Campaign, and more specifically on the potential of Article 9 as a peace mechanism and its relevance in peacebuilding.
May 2008
As a major part of this campaign, the large scale “Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War” was held in Japan from May 4-6, 2008.
>> more
This three-day event attracted over 33,000 participants nationwide: over 22,000 in Tokyo, 8,000 in Osaka, 2,000 in Hiroshima and 1,000 in Sendai. Close to 200 international guest speakers and participants came from 40 different countries and regions to represent all continents at the conference.
With the participation of Nobel Peace Laureates, intellectuals, cultural figures and NGO activists, the conference has been a forum for dialogue and discussions on the role that citizens of the world can play to realize the principles of Article 9, through promoting disarmament, demilitarization and a culture of peace.
February – May 2008
Planned and organized at the grass-roots level, a 71-day Article 9 Peace Walk carried the message of Article 9 throughout Japan, mobilized support and raised funds in support of the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War.
>> more
April 2008
The Center for International Studies of Russia's Marine State University organized a scientific conference on April 30, 2008 in Vladivostok. Under the title "Japan: Six decades without a Right to War," the conference elaborated on the various social, economic and political aspects of Japan's situation today and discussed possibilities of strengthening Northeast Asian multilateral security mechanisms and building a bilateral cooperation between Russia and Japan.
April 2008
In Canada, Vancouver Save Article 9 hosted an event to raise funds for the Global Article 9 Conference. The event featured Vancouver Sun International Affairs columnist Jonathan Manthorpe and Ellen Woodsworth, former Vancouver City Councillor and co-founder of the World Peace Forum 2006 for a discussion around the theme "Shifting Patterns Of Power & Influence In Asia: How They May Affect Japan's 'Normal Country' Debate."
February 2008
On February 22, a press conference was held to announce the program and further details of the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War, as well as information about lead-up events throughout Japan.
November – December 2007
The Asia Inter-Religious Conference on Article 9 and Peace in Asia brought together religious leaders from Korea, Taiwan, Okinawa, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany and Japan.
After three days of exchanges of ideas and discussions, the conference issued a final statement calling on religious circles to support our campaign and encourage participation in the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War in May. >> read the statement
June 2007
The inaugural GPPAC Asia Pacific Interregional
Forum, bringing together delegates from 17 different countries/regions,
adopted the Global Article 9 Campaign as one of its key actions.
May 2007
A workshop was held during the NPT
(nonproliferation treaty) Review Preparatory Committee Session in
Vienna, Austria. Speakers included Carlos Vargas Pizarro (University of
Costa Rica), Colin Archer (International Peace Bureau), Takao Takahara
(Meijigakuin University) and Akira Kawasaki (Peace Boat).
The GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Steering Group Meeting held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia resolved to support the 2008 Global Article 9 Conference.
April 2007
A press conference was held in Piraeus, Greece in support of Article 9. Participants
included the mayor of Piraeus Mr Panagiotis Fasoulas, representatives
of various Greek NGOs including educator George Dollianitis, Panos
Trigazis (Foreign Policy Spokesperson of SYN), lawyer Eleni
Sotiropoulou and a delegation from Peace Boat.
January 2007
Article 9 workshops held at the World Social Forum, Nairobi Kenya. >> more
Global Article 9 Conference Organizing Committee launched. Along with a
broad range of individuals and organisations, the Joint Representatives
of the committee are Ikeda Kayoko (translator), Niikura Osamu
(President, JALISA) and Yoshioka Tatsuya (Director, Peace Boat).
November 2006
Public notices in support of Article 9 placed in newspapers all over the world. >> more
On November 3, the anniversary of the consitution, joint actions were held in both Japan and Korea. >> more
September 2006
Workshop focusing on the abolition of war through peace constitutions
such as Japan's Article 9 held at the 59th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference
in New York. >> more
Japanese, American, Korean and Costa Rican activists co-sponsor a workshop on
Article 9 at World Peace Forum, Vancouver. >> more
GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Consultation Meeting held in Mt. Kumgang, North
Korea, where participants agreed to organize a Global Article 9 Conference in
Tokyo, 2008. >> more
Japan-Korea Joint Campaign to support Article 9 organized in Tokyo and Seoul,
including public seminars, press conferences and rallies.
International public awareness campaign simultaneously organized, placing notices
on Article 9 in newspapers worldwide. >> more
The GPPAC Global Conference in New York submitted its Global Action Agenda which
recognized that Article 9 “has been a foundation for collective security
throughout the Asia Pacific region,” to the UN Secretary-General.
Read the Global Action Agenda here.
The Northeast Asia Regional Conference of Global Partnership for the Prevention
of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) in Tokyo adopted the Regional Action Agenda which states
that principles of Article 9 “should be recognized as having universal value
and therefore utilized as a foundation for peace in Northeast Asia.” Based
on this common recognition, the 50 participants of the conference agreed to launch
the Global Article 9 Campaign.
Read the Regional Action Agenda here. |