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Supporting organizations of the Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War

International Organisations:
Abolition 2000 Global Council
Arab Commission for Human Rights
Code Pink
Global Action to Prevent War
Global Exchange
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), International Steering Group (ISG)
Global Policy Forum
International Association of Democratic Lawyers
International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
International Center for Law in Development
International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases and other forms of Foreign Military Presence (NO BASES!)
International Peace Bureau
International South Group Network
International Women's Tribune Center
The International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
Pacific Freeze Campaign
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
World Federalist Movement

Anjuman Asiaye Awam, Pakistan
Asia Peace and History Education Network, South Korea
Buddha Smiles, India
Center for International Studies, Maritime State University, Russia
Foundation for Democracy (FDP), Pakistan Gaston Z. Ortigas (GZO) Peace Institute, Philippines
Gaston Z. Ortigas (GZO) Peace Institute, Philippines
Global Peace and Justice Coalition, Turkey
Hotline (Human Rights) Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Hue Street Children's Home, Viet Nam
Indian Association of Lawyers (IAL), India
Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID), Philippines
International Movement of Catholic Students Asia Pacific, Philippines
Korea Youth Corps, South Korea
MINBYUN-Lawyers for a Democratic Society, South Korea
Pakistan Peace Coalition, Pakistan
Peace Museum, South Korea
Peace Network, South Korea
People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, South Korea
People's Task Force for Bases Clean Up (PTFBC), Philippines
STOP the War Coalition, Philippines
Women Making Peace, South Korea
World without War, South Korea
Youth Red Cross Kerala, India

Pacific / Oceania:
New Zealand Peace Council, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA, Timor Leste

APRED (Association for Non-Militarisation and Demilitarisation), Switzerland
Augsburger Friedensinitiative, Germany
Centro de documentazione "Semi sotto la neve", Italy
Comite Solidaridad Oscar Romero de Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain
Coordinamento nord sud del mondo di Milano, Italy
Droit-Solidarité, France
Euro-Mediterranean Youth Association, Turkey
Freres des Hommes, France
German-Japanese Peace Forum, Germany
House of Erasmus, the Netherlands
IKV Pax Christi, the Netherlands
Mouvement de la Paix, France
OCASHA-Cristianos con el Sur, Spain
PeaceLink, Italy
Quaderni Satyagraha e Gandhi Edizioni, Italy
Rete Liliput di Vicenza, Italy

Nairobi Peace Initiative - Africa
Solidarity with the Victims and for the Peace, Democratic Republic of Congo

North America:
8th Day Center for Justice, USA
Massachusetts Peace Action, USA
National Lawyers' Guild, USA
Nevada Desert Experience, USA
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, USA
Peace Philosophy Centre, Canada
Peaceworkers, USA
The House of Peace, USA
The Tajiri Institute, USA
Vancouver Save Article 9, Canada
Washington Peace Center, USA
US Peace Council, USA

Latin America:
Servicio International Cristiano de Solidaridad con los pueblos de America Latina (SICSAL), Mexico

Middle East:
Permanent Peace Movement,Lebanon

* The campaign is also being sponsored by a coalition of over 60 Japanese civil society organisations - contact us for further information

Individual Supporters of the Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates:
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, The Peace People, Northern Ireland
Jody Williams, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, USA
Wangari Maathai, Green Belt Movement, Kenya

Ahn Byung Woo, Asia Peace and History Education Network, South Korea
Ban Zhong Yi, Film maker, China
Walden Bello, Focus on the Global South, Philippines
Chen Jau-hwa, Soochow University, Taiwan
Cheon Jun ho, Korea Youth Corps, South Korea
Cho Young-Hee, Women Making Peace, South Korea
Chung Wook-sik, Peace Network, South Korea
Clarence Dias, International Center for Law in Development, India
Vadim Gaponenko, Center for International Studies, Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Russia
Gyung Lan Jun, Women Making Peace, South Korea
Han Hong-gu, Peace Museum, South Korea
Syed Rifaat Hussain, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Pakistan/Sri Lanka
Hwang Kwang Seok, Asia Peace and History Education Network, South Korea
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan, Blue Banner, Former Mongolian Ambassador to the United Nations, Mongolia
Jo kwang jin, Korea Youth Corps, South Korea
Jun Kyu Lee, Peace Network, South Korea
Kang Dae joon, Asia Peace and History Education Network, South Korea
Kang Haejung, Asia Peace and History Education Network, South Korea
Kim Min-young, People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, South Korea
Koo Kab-woo, Center for Peace and Disarmament (PSPD), South Korea
Satish Kumar, Resurgence Magazine, India/England
Kwon Heok-tae, SungKongHoe University, South Korea
Lee Jo-eun, World without War, South Korea
Lee Jun-kyu, Peace Network, South Korea
Lee Kyeong-Ju, Inha University, South Korea
Lee Suk-tae, MINBYUN-Lawyers for Democratic Societies, South Korea
Lim Jae-sung, World without War, South Korea
Gus Miclat, Initiatives for International Dialogue, Philippines
Chandra Muzzafar, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Malaysia
Park Jung-eun, Center for Peace and Disarmament (PSPD), South Korea
Minar Pimple, UN Millennium Campaign, India
Jitendra Sharma, International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), India
Vandana Shiva, Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, India
Corazon Valdez Fabros, STOP the War Coalition, Philippines
C.G. Weeramantry, Former Judge, International Court of Justice (ICJ), Sri Lanka
Prof. Mercy Williams, Mayor of Cochin, India
Yang Ryeo-ok, World without War, South Korea
M. Mohamed Youseff, Indian Association of Lawyers, India

Pacific / Oceania:
Jone Dakuvula, Pacific People Building Peace, Fiji
Elisabeth Lino de Araujo, APHEDA,Timor Leste
Felicity Hill, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Switzerland/Australia
Oscar Manutahi Temaru, Mayor of Faa'a and Former President of Te Ao Maohi (French Polynesia),Te Ao Maohi (French Polynesia)
Gabriel Tetiarahi, Hiti Tau, Tahiti
 Mosese Waqa, Pacific People Building Peace, Fiji/Australia
Alyn Ware, International Peace Bureau, Aotearoa-New Zealand
Rev. Ekuila Yabaki, Citizens' Constitutional Forum, Fiji

Pablo Aguiar Molina, International Catalan Peace Institute, Catalan Government, Spain
Colin Archer, International Peace Bureau, Switzerland
Noemi Ayguarsenosa, Catalan Government, Spain
Edith Ballantyne, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Switzerland
Christophe Barbey, Association for Non-Militarisation, Switzerland
Jasna Bastic, Journalist, Bosnia/Switzerland
Lisa Clark, Beati i costruttori di pace, Italy
Jean-Pierre Dardaud, Freres des Hommes, France
Arielle Denis, Mouvement de la Paix, France
Frederic Durant, International Peace Bureau, Switzerland
Pol D'Huyvetter, Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign, Belgium
Renée Ernst, UN Millennium Campaign, Germany
Ekkehard Forberg, World Vision, Germany
Verena Graf, The International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples,Switzerland
Marte Hellema, European Centre for Conflict Prevention (ECCP), the Netherlands
Viktor Kamyshanov, International Federation for Peace and Conciliation, Russia
Tasos Koronakis, Greek Social Forum, Greece
Dominique Lalanne, Abolition of Nuclear Weapons / Stop Essai, France
Mikhail Lebedev, Russian Pugwash Committee, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Nicola Liscutin, Birkbeck College, University of London, Germany/UK
Jean-Marie Matagne, Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament, France
Michael Peristerakis, AKE / International Peace Bureau, Greece
Monique Picard-Weyl, Droit-Solidarite,France
Tobias Pflueger, European Parliament, Germany
Matthias Reichl, Center for Encounter and Active Nonviolence, Austria
Hans-Peter Richter, German-Japanese Peace Forum, Germany
D. Aureliano Francisco Santiago, Mayor of Telde City, Canary Islands, Spain
Kalevi Suomela, Peace Union of Finland, Finland
Hannelore Toelke, German Peace Council, Germany
Panos Trigasiz, International Monitor, Greece
Pierre Villard, Mouvement de la Paix, France
Hans von Sponeck, Former UN Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Germany
Roland Weyl, Droit-Solidarite,France

Emmanuel Bombande, Western African Network for Peacebuilding, Ghana
El Hadj Mbodj, Lawyer, Senegal
Florence Mpaayei, Nairobi Peace Initiative - Africa, Kenya
Dr. Paul Saoke, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Kenya

North America:
John Burroughs, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, USA
Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation, USA
Aidan Delgado, Iraq War Veteran, USA
Peter Erlinder, William Mitchell College of Law, USA
Stephen Fryburg, Dayton International Peace Museum / International Network of Museums for Peace / Veterans for Peace, USA
Dr. Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committee, USA
David Grant, Nonviolent Peaceforce, USA
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, USA
Zia Mian, Princeton University, Pakistan/USA
Alfred L. Marder, US Peace Council, USA
Betty A. Reardon, International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE), Columbia University Teachers College, USA
Michael Renner, Worldwatch Institute, USA
Alice Slater, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, USA
Kathleen Sullivan, Disarmamanent Educator, USA
Cora Weiss, Hague Appeal for Peace, USA
Ellen Woodsworth, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Canada
Ann Wright, Retired US Army colonel and diplomat, USA

Latin America:
Myriam Angueira, Documentary Filmmaker, Argentina
Pierina Correa Delgado, Foundation "El Portal de la Vida", Ecuador
Ricardo Curaqueo, Indigenous Mapuche Lawyer, Chile
Dr Ricardo A. Navarro, CESTA Friends of the Earth El Salvador, El Salvador
Alvaro Ramirez Durini, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Ecuador
Auki Tituana, Indigenous Mayor of Cotacachi, Ecuador
Carlos Vargas Pizarro, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Middle East:
Fadi Abi Allam, Permanent Peace Movement, Lebanon
Raed Jarrar, American Friends Service Committee, Iraq/USA
Dr Haytham Manna, Arab Commission of Human Rights, Syria
Kasim Turki, Humanitarian Aid Worker, Iraq

* Individuals are listed in alphabetical order.
* These names are indications of individual support and not necessarily representative of their whole organisations
* As well as those listed above, individuals from over 112 countries and regions around the world have committed their support for the Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War!
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