Listed on this page are a small selection of the many messages we have received from around the world in support of Article 9.

“At this critical juncture in history, the Vancouver World Peace Forum concluded that a world without war is achievable... Specifically, to achieve this, we call for...governments to constitutionally renounce war (e.g..
Japan's Article 9).”
Vancouver's World Peace Forum (2006)

“Article 9 of the Japanese
Constitution has been the foundation for collective security for the entire Asia Pacific region.”
Global Action Agenda for the Global Partnership on the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) submitted to the UN Secretary-General (2005)
“Every Parliament should adopt a resolution prohibiting their government from going to war, like the Japanese Article 9.”
Hague Appeal for Peace (1999)
“... As people who work for peace, and as people who would like to see human beings learn to live with each other in peace, and not to feel the need to kill each other, I want to support this campaign. I want to say that this Article Number 9 in the Japanese Constitution is an ideal that, although it was imposed after the Second World War by the Allies, it is an ideal that we can live for. Those of us who
work for peace, those of us who work for [the] environment, those of us who work for a more just and fair world are inspired by this clause and would like to see the world create this – as a dream, as a vision...”
Wangari Muta Maathai, Green Belt Movement, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
“I endorse the campaign as resources saved from 'No War, No Military' are very important to achieve the MDGs and to deal with the impact of Climate Change.”
Minar Pimple, Youth Activist and Depuy Director of the UN Millennium Campaign, Asia
“Japan and Germany, given our historical experience with wars, can not give up our responsibilities to stand for peaceful solutions of conflicts. Guiding principles must relate to the UN Charter, especially article 51. The German constitution just as the Japanese constitution precludes involvement in any military activities except in self-defence.
It would be a great disappointment to global citizenry, if the Japanese post-WWII example of commitment to peace be sacrificed under foreign pressure by amending article 9 of the Japanese constitution.”
Hans von Sponeck, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (1998-2000) and UN Assistant Secretary General (ret)
“The time for war to go has come. To reach that goal, every country should have an Article 9 from the Japanese Constitution in their own constitution.”
Cora Weiss, Hague Appeal for Peace
“Article 9 is one of those understated and undervalued breakthroughs in history that has never been given its proper place, its rightful place, as a model for governments, nations, countries and peoples to emulate... It's great to have a country like [Japan] that has a charter, a constitution, its basic and fundamental law, that reflects these aspirations of people of peace.”
Gus Miclat, Initiatives for International Dialogue