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Article 9 at the World Peace Forum

A workshop discussing Article 9 of Japan's Peace Constitution was held at the inaugural World Peace Forum in Vancouver. Titled "Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution: A Common Treasure of the Humankind for Peace," it was jointly organized by Peace Boat, Japan Council Against A and H bombs, and the local Vancouver Save Article 9 group.

With hundreds of attendees, including Canadian and international WPF participants, the workshop featured presentations by Japanese, US and Costa Rican panelists.

Professor Kimijima Akihiko presented the necessity of taking Article 9 into the regional and global context, and told of how constitutions renouncing war can act as a mechanism for creating security, stability and peace in a region. It is in the interest not only of Japan, but of its surrounding countries and the international society to uphold this constitution.

"The Global Article 9 Campaign" was also introduced within this context, and a call was made for individuals to join the initiative to hold a Global Article 9 Conference in 2008, which will bring together all supporters of such pacifist constitutions.

The Final Document of the Forum, "Vancouver Appeal for Peace 2006: Make Peace!" also called for governments to constitutionally renounce war, and Article 9 is described as the primary example.


Peace Boat
Hague Appeal for Peace
Vancouver Save Article 9
Japan Council Against A- and H- Bombs (Gensuikyo)

Japan Congress Against A- and H- Bombs (Gensuikin)
Japan Confederation of A- and H- Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Hidankyo)


Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA)
People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Korea (PSPD)
Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea

See also:
Programme of Workshop
Profile of Participants
Reports from Peace Boat's Akira Kawasaki at the WPF
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