
>> Messages of support for Article 9
Read the messages in Japanese here. |
“I write to support Article 9 of the japanese constitution and to appeal to the japanese people and government to protect this wonderful article 9, which is so important and a treasure for all of humanity. This article is a commitment to peace and against war by the japanese people and has since its inception given great inspiration not only to generations of japanese people but many people around the world. Being the only people in the world to experience the horror of nuclear war, Japan has carried out its great role to call the world to abolish nuclear weapons and war. With the spread of nuclear weapons and the ongoing policies of some governments of occupation, militarism, and war, there is a moral and spiritual responsibility for Japan and its people to increase their voices and efforts to call the world back from the brink of nuclear war and destruction. A massive peoples movement is spreading around the world demanding the human family move beyond militarism and war to a world based on democracy, human rights and international law.
The Government of Japan can help lead this movement at the United Nations and amongst the worlds nations by discussing Article 9 and the proposal that such an article could be included in every country's policy and constitution. This would be real leadership by the peace loving Japanese people who knows the suffering and pain of nuclear weapons and war and such a commitment would give hope to civil socieities and governments trying to build a world based not on threat of violence and war, but on real democracy, human rights and international law.”
Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate, Co-founder of The Peace People, Northern Ireland
"The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GGPAC) reiterates its support for Japan’s constitution’s war-renouncing Article 9.
GPPAC is a world-wide civil society-led network that calls for a fundamental change in dealing with violent conflict: a shift from reaction to prevention. It aims to build a new international consensus and pursuing joint action to prevent violent conflict and promote peacebuilding.
GPPAC has long recognized Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution as an important conflict prevention and peacebuilding mechanism in Northeast Asia, while also being a “(..) a foundation for collective security throughout the Asia Pacific region” as was stated in our Global Action Agenda, which was presented to the United Nations in July 2005.
We believe that Article 9 – the renunciation of war as means of settling international disputes and the maintenance of armed forces for those purpose – expresses a beautiful and noble philosophy that is essential for the future of the world. We find it deeply impressive that Japan, after the horrors of World War II, took the responsibility to adopt such a constitution, and to commit to a pacifist path.
The fact that post-war Japan, under its pacifist constitution, could move from the ashes of destruction to achieve such economic success and create a stable and advanced society is a powerful example for the world, especially for those countries that suffer today from war and natural disasters.
In the current regional political context, we are concerned that the current Japanese administration’s attempts to amend Japan’s peace constitution and its decision to bolster the country’s military and increase defense spending threaten to further destabilize regional peace and exacerbate Japan’s already tense relations with its neighbors.
We sincerely hope that Japan will not only keep Article 9, but also advocate to use and spread the philosophy of Article 9 in its relations with other countries in the Northeast Asian region, as the foundation for the peaceful settlement of disputes and consolidation of peace and stability in the region. Japan and its Article 9 have a vital role to play in moving the world away from military solutions, instead leading the way towards peace, justice and sustainable development for all.
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
"The enactment of a special clause in the Japanese Constitution renouncing war as an option after World War II was not an accident. The United Nations Organization that was formed in 1945, began its Charter with the words "We, the peoples of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind. . . " The Charter went on to enshrine the principle of the nonuse of force in international relations in Article 2.4, which states: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." Thus, what was made general for all states was made specific in respect of Japan because of Japan's status as one of the defeated states in World War II and the opportunity in 1947 of drafting a new Constitution. Japan is a model as a peaceful and peacemaking country which has achieved remarkable prosperity. To change Article 9 would be a dangerous signal to neighbours and others”
Jayantha Dhanapala, President of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and former UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs
“Article 9 is probably the most important and sustained statement about a nation's dedication to the United Nations, and its Charter, which all Member States have agreed to abide by. Article 2.4 says, "All Members shall refrain....from the threat or use of force..." Article 9 is a commitment made to the people of Japan following one of the worst catastrophes of wartime, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Article 9 was a promise, enshrined in its Constitution, which should never be removed. No head of state has, or should have, the authority to dismember its constitution.
The people of Japan have the support of millions of people the world over who wish their countries would have an Article 9 in their constitutions.
We have learned so much about preventing violence, about mediation, about non violent peace making and peace building, that resorting to force should be put to rest as history, never to be used again. We need to follow the force of law not the law of force.
Keep Article 9!”
Cora Weiss, UN Representative of International Peace Bureau, President, Hague Appeal for Peace
“Writing from the troubled, conflict ridden Middle East, as the Israeli and Palestinian co-editors of the Palestine-Israel Journal, we support the call of those in Japanese civil society who are urging you to retain Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. Having been the only victims of nuclear weapons, the post-World War II Japanese constitution has served as a role model for a world which must reduce it’s reliance on both conventional and non-conventional weapons, a world which should resolve its disputes by peaceful means. We in the Middle East are seeking a way out of the cycle of violence, and are also seeking to achieve a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone as a basis for a new regime of peace, security and cooperation in the region. We would hope that Japan will continue to serve as a beacon against the militarism which dominated the international arena during the 20th century.
Shalom and Salaam”
Ziad AbuZayyad and Hillel Schenker, Co-Editors of the Palestine-Israel Journal (www.pij.org)
“On behalf of the International Peace Bureau, allow me to convey our wholehearted support for the campaign to defend Article 9, which remains an important bulwark against the revival of militarism in the Asia -Pacific region. Given the current tensions on the Korean peninsula, it is vital that this campaign be stepped up, not only in Japan, but throughout the region. Those who justify increased spending on military forces on the basis of the current tensions must be challenged politically, since there is a real danger that this posture will simply lead to a spiral of violence in which each state seeks to menace and dominate the other. The way forward is to renounce provocations and step up all diplomatic efforts to reach a solution, putting a formal end to the Korean War and allowing all parties, including Japan, to engage in confidence building measures and mutual economic support.
We encourage all our partners in the region to support the Global Day of Action on Military Spending on April 15.”
Colin Archer, Secretary General, International Peace Bureau |
“ Pax Christi International is deeply concerned about efforts to revise or remove Article 9 from the Japanese Constitution. Article 9 has been a sign of hope for a world that yearns for deep, inclusive and lasting peace. It has encouraged dialogue and diplomacy, helping Japan to become a stabilizing factor in East Asia rather than a threat to neighbouring countries. We strongly encourage the Japanese government to address “territorial disputes” in accordance with the spirit of Article 9 rather than to remove such an important and visionary article from the Japanese Constitution.
Further, we urge all nations to demilitarize the region of East Asia. The United States should remove its military bases from Japan and, with the government of Japan, take action to mitigate the crushing burden of U.S. military bases upon the people of Okinawa. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should reaffirm the "Joint Declaration on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" ratified by North and South Korea in 1992 and the “Joint Statement for the realization of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” agreed at the six-party talks in September of 2005. Nations possessing nuclear weapons should move swiftly to nuclear disarmament, fulfilling the obligations of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, which provides the diplomatic basis for a resolution to regional tensions.
We salute and encourage all efforts made by multiple organizations and individuals to cultivate a just peace in the region and we affirm our conviction that amending or removing Article 9 from the Japanese Constitution would be a significant step in the wrong direction. Rather, the commitment represented by Article 9 to build peaceful international relations based on reconciliation, equality and mutual respect should serve as a model for the world.
Pax Christi International
Asia-Pacific |
“On behalf of Stop the War Coalition Philippines together with its network organizations nationwide, we join you during these critical and challenging times in Japan and express our renewed and unwavering support for the preservation of Japan’s war-renouncing and peace upholding Article 9.
Article 9 is Japan’s legacy to a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons after the horrible experience at Hiroshima and Nagasaki 68 years ago. It is important therefore that the Japanese people are joined in solidarity by every movement internationally so that any threat of war will never visit us again.
We are deeply concerned about Japan’s increasing military budget and escalating military aggression especially that your government is moving towards constitutional revision that will drastically change the essence of your peace constitution and would have adverse impact on many other peace and human rights protection. This direction have to be stopped. Our power as peace loving constituency both in Japan, in Asia and internationally have to be harnessed so that we shall continue to live in peace and solidarity.”
Corazon Valdez Fabros, Stop the War Coalition Philippines
“PSPD expresses grave apprehension that the Japanese Government has currently been attempting to nullify the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. We strongly urge the Japanese government to keep the Japan’s pledge that “Japanese people forever renounce war… and the right of belligerency of the state will not recognized” as stated in the Article 9.
The Article 9 is not only symbolic but also functioning mechanism that ensuring the Japanese government not to threat or use of force against other Asian countries. It has been also a fundamental mechanism mitigating military escalation and preserving regional peace in Asia. We strongly believe that the Article 9 should play a critical role of building a peace community in Asia, promoting democracy and human rights and the Japanese government as well as people in Asia should show its firm resolution to uphold the Peace Constitution. We show our support and solidarity for the Japanese civil society in urging the Japanese Government to stop any attempts to nullify the Article 9. We stand together in solidarity to keep the Peace Constitution and end the Korean War for promoting a peace system in Northeast Asia.”
Kim Huisun for People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
“We express a concern about the Japanese government’s attempt to push for constitutional revisions war-renouncing Article 9. It would indeed be cause for concern to international society. We support the Japanese civil society's efforts to protect Asian peace.”
Kim In-Kyung, Eco-Horizon Institute, Seoul, Korea
“For the peaceful future of Northeast Asia and the world, we NARPI and Connexus staff and students encourage the Japanese government to promote Article 9 to neighboring counties instead of revising it!”
Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI)
Europe |
“The symbol and usual example for most of the people in conflict transformation is Japanese Article 9 of the Constitution.The values and message voice strongly peace and non-violence and therefore, it is of huge importance for the humanity to be and stay where it belongs, in the Japanese Constitution.”
Ivana Gajovic, Director of Nansen Dialogue Centre Montenegro and Regional Representative for the Western Balkans of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
“Article 9 of Japan Constitution has been understood and appreciated by the whole civilized world as demonstration of high responsibility, which turned the post-WWII Japan a unique example of adherence to peace and non-violence. Article 9 should not be changed. It is the stability of the entire international system that protects each country against aggression, not a number of warheads. In a highly unlikely case that a real external threat emerges, constitutional changes may be adopted quickly. The world experience shows that constitutional changes should be approved by no less than two thirds of parliament members, and if a parliament has two houses, no less than two thirds of both houses. – With highest respect to the Japanese people,”
Dr. George Khutsishvili, Director of the International Centre on Conflict and Negotiation (Georgia) and Caucasus Regional Representative of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
“The Swiss chapter of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW, Peace Nobelprize 1985), aware of the intention of the current Japanese Governments intention for revision of the Japanese Peace constitution, is endorsing the opinion of many Japanese civil society groups pleading for retention of article 9 of
the constitution.
Any countries constitution is the basis for the body of laws governing its internal and
external politics. Whereas in the course of history constitutional revisions may need
to be undertaken, politicians should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of
constitutional amendments. Art. 9 of the Japanese constitution, legistlated immediately after the WW II, has even higher importance in todays instable world.
We consider it a timely and noble intention of Japan to « renounce war as sovereign right and the threat or use of force as means of settling international dispute ».
Retaining Art. 9 is exemplary and will enhance Japans status and underline its continued comittment to peaceful relations to its neighbours and contribute to stability in East Asia and the world.”
Prof. A. Nidecker, MD, Board IPPNW and IPPNW Switzerland, andPast President of IPPNW Switzerland
“The international legislative initiative taken by civil society organizations (CSOs) (i.e. Japanese Committee on the Human Right to Peace) to translate the universal value of peace to the legal category of human right is really important for the international community, including Japan. Time is up to clarify the legal content of the emerging human right to peace. CSOs trust that States will be respectful of the established international human rights law standards linked to the human right to peace. No set back would be acceptable. To this purpose, CSOs will request the Human Rights Council at its twenty-third session (June 2013) to extend the mandate of the Working Group on the draft UN Declaration on the right to peace for an additional year, to enable the OEWG to achieve consensus with CSOs in the wording of the future UN declaration of the human right to peace. It is expected that the working group shall finalize its task by 2014 proposing to the HR Council the adoption of a draft Declaration on the human right to peace.”
Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law and International Observatory on the Human Right to Peace
Middle East and North Africa |
“Peace is a comprehensive process that the people of the world are responsible to build and make possible; no one can take itself out of that responsibility. Thus every contribution for peace will affect the whole image of that comprehensive structure. World Peace is based in a structure of law from one side and a mentality refusing armed violence as a mean in conflict resolution on the other.
Article 9 of the Japanese constitution represents a corner stone and a model of how laws and regulations for peace building should be. It clearly excludes the violence as a mean to solve conflicts. It proves that building peace and our future can be possible through peaceful means not through war making. It can be possible through dialogue.
We cannot have war without weapons, arms need money to be invested and expanded. As for peace, we only need to believe in the power of dialogue that only needs a good will and people who believe. We believe in article 9 that summarizes the whole foundation of peace and we are looking to make all governments include it in their constitution and adapt it. Article 9 by itself is more than an article for a constitution, it is a constitution for life!”
Fadi Abi Allam, President of the Permanent Peace Movement (Beirut, Lebanon) and Coordinator of the Middle East and North Africa Partnership for Preventing of Armed Conflict (MENAPPAC)
“I discovered the Article 9 during the WSF2013 held in Tunis. I never thought to find such article. While rich countries are developing doctrines to intervene in other nations, Japan did the opposite, developing the doctrine of peace, where military force is banned.
With a constitutional Article 9, people will be able to defend peace before their national courts, asking them to review acts of the executive, even conducted abroad.
This article 9 will make citizens involved effectively in making international peace possible. This will rationalize spending on military. The government will focus on capacity building and empowering people; and afford for education, health programs, agriculture and water supply.
North Korean threat of nuclear war, is a true challenge for Japan to demonstrate to the whole world that Article 9 is a deep long lasting philosophy taught by Hibakusha. Amending Article 9, is accepting a new nuclear war.”
Belhassen Ennouri, Lawyer, Tunisia |
“The master piece of Japanese people's commitment to live in peace is war-renouncing Article 9, as the country’s peace clause.
However, the recent Japanese government’s warmongering policies and their decision to amend article 9 has made us concerned as it would have grave consequences for Japan, the regional context and international peace.
We hope Japanese people stand against Japanese government’s trend of nationalism and its path to militarism so that they can forever proud of their constitution and its article 9.
We, as people who still have scars of 1980s war on their life, strongly support article 9 campaign and Japanese movement to preserve their peaceful constitution.”
Shahriar Khateri on behalf of the Tehran Peace Museum, Iran |
US and Canada |
“Both personally and on behalf of the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific, I am writing with appreciation for the Global Article 9 Campaign’s work to defend Article 9 of the Japanese constitution.
Article 9 has been essential to preserving peace in Northeast Asia and to Japan’s post-war economic recovery and to its acceptance by other nations. It has held militarists – many of whom deny Japan’s wartime aggressions and crimes and who dream of restoring a 21st century version of the Emperor-based government and co-prosperity sphere – in check.
During the Working Group’s meetings, Japanese scholars and others have provided background about this most disturbing stage of right-wing Japanese politicians to manufacture consent for revision of the Japanese constitution, first Article 96 and ultimately Article 9. We understand that in order to create the political climate necessary to restore aggressive Japanese militarism, successive Japanese governments and the courts have distorted the meaning of Article 9 – including the SDF’s assertion that it allows for Japanese possession and use of tactical nuclear weapons (a right the SDF says it has yet to exercise). These governments have designed and imposed educational system to “patriotically” socialize future generations of Japanese, one which fails to teach the history and consequences of Japan’s wartime aggressions and which requires the signing of the Emperor-centered Kimigayo and the honoring of the Hinamaru.
The decades old campaign to eliminate Article 9 has included exploitation of U.N. Peaceleeping and anti-piracy operations in order to normalize the foreign deployments of the Japanese military. And, in what they hoped would be the crowning effort of the campaign, former Governor Ishihara and former Prime Minister Noda initiated a political coup, in many ways analogous to those of the 1930s , by sparking the Senkaku-Diaoyu Islands crisis with the expectation that China’s over-reaction would drive Japanese politics farther to the right and towards a deeper embrace of its unconstitutional military.
In the Working Group’s educational initiatives, most recently at the third national Historians Against the War conference, we have been educating the U.S. peace movement and others not only about the right-wing Japanese campaign to eliminate Article 9, but also about the decades-old U.S. pressure to remove it in order to further integrate Japan into U.S. global war fighting systems. Most notable is the recent Armitage-Nye report, which calls for Japan to remain a “tier one” nation in a “global” alliance with the United States, and which describes the Japanese military as the “most trusted institution in Japan”, one capable of playing a global role “ if anachronistic constraints can be eased.”
Article 9 is anything but anachronistic. It has served Japan well and is a model for those across the planet who are working to achieve a more peaceful world order.
We celebrate that the Japanese people, as opposed to many of its political leaders, understand and have campaigned to preserve Article 9, and the relative peace and prosperity it has ensured. Every time prime ministers and their allies, be they Nakasone, Takeshita, Koizumi or Abe, have pressed to revise the Japanese constitution, Japanese peace organizations have responded by mobilizing popular opinion to preserve Article 9.
We are confident that the Global Article 9 Campaign and its allies throughout Japanese society will again rise to the occasion in this challenging period. Peace is precious and must be preserved.
We look forward to working with you in solidarity.
For the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific,”
Joseph Gerson, Convener of the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific, and Director of the Peace and Economic Security Program, American Friends Service Committee
Latin America |
“The existence and truthful application of peace constitutions has demonstrated a joyful and fruitful path for peace and prosperity. Those countries that have made history has been those able to uphold sacred principles in tough times. As Costa Rica does, Japan has a formidable peace constitution that has granted peace and prosperity to the Japanese people, as it has also prevented conflict in the region. War drums are being beaten and peace seems a distant aspiration. It is now when the principles of peace and honor of the Japanese peace loving people must be uphold and reaffirmed. Article 9 is a common treasure of mankind and any attempt to revoke its spirit is a crime against humanity. I support article 9 and the Japanese loving people ho struggles for it.”
Luis Roberto Zamora Bolanos, Lawyer, Costa Rica
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9 Campaign is now seeking supporting individuals and organisations.
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